He finally settled down a bit before bed tonight. Jim asked, "Is he actually playing quietly with his toys?" I responded, "Yes, but be quiet or you'll jinx it."
My doctor's office claims that the average child gets six to eight colds a year that last from seven to 10 days each. Something about this statement just seems off. By this logic, a child will be sick 1.5 to 2.5 months out of the year.
It's sad when being sick nearly 20 percent of the time is considered the norm.
Weekend theater
Scene: Early Saturday morning, mom and dad are just waking up, the baby starts to cry from his crib.Jim: I think the baby's crying
Josee: We have a baby? When did that happen? Thinking: I really need to go to the bathroom, but if I get up, I'll be obligated to get the baby. If I don't move, maybe he'll go get the baby.
Jim finally gets up. Yes! Seems mommy has won this round!
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