Sunday, September 02, 2007

From the chronicles of customer no-service

... or just plain dumb service.

The scene: At Starbuck's, once again, where I now have to ask for a decaf coffee with two lids because the coffee jerks can't understand why I don't want stinky ink on my lid.

Me (as coffee jerk hands me a hot cup of coffee): Can I get a sleeve for my coffee?

Coffee jerk: There's some on the bar.

She must think these sleeves are just for show. Maybe she thinks its a little dress for the coffee cup. So, I carried the hot cup of coffee with my bare hand to get a cardboard sleeve to prevent me from further burning my hand. I just didn't have the energy to explain to her why I needed the sleeve in the first place.

Maybe she went to one of those schools that made Adequate Yearly Progress. They should make these kids wear AYP buttons so we know exactly what we're dealing with and can lower our expectations accordingly.

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