Thursday, November 18, 2010


I've gone completely off the deep end here. I'm actually considering a potty training attempt this weekend with Fiona. She's almost two, she's interested and she can pull her own pants up and down. So one day this week, I started putting her in underpants for a few hours after her nap, from which she woke up dry.

The first afternoon Danny, a k a Admiral Pee Pee Pants, showed her the ropes.

"See, Fi Fi, you pull your pants down and sit on the potty, then you pee," he says as I try hard not to laugh bitterly at the irony of all this. 

By this afternoon, my daughter was wearing underpants and hasn't had a single accident and my son was wearing pajamas, no underpants and some Spiderman boots because he had peed in all of the pants he owns. And he has a lot of pants for this very reason. Sigh.

And without further ado ...

We got to hack down the trees and change the leaves, Danny proclaimed a few weeks ago. He had been frustrated that the leaves weren't changing colors yet. I remembered his comment a few days ago as the leaves finally began to change. And it is quite spectacular to behold.

Do I really need a how-to [on putting Owen's pajamas on]? Nana asks as I'm describing how best to wrestle him into pajamas. Imagine trying to dress yourself on a navigational buoy in a hurricane. Yeah, it's that difficult.

Eat what's already on top on the trash can, Fi. She decided to put her snack on top of the trash can. Honestly, after finding 1-year-old Danny toddling around the back yard with a piece of petrified dog poop in his mouth, I am utterly unflappable.

Getting a snack ready? Jim asks as I'm sweeping the kitchen floor. That night's haul included a fork, two baby food jar lids, several dried apples, a dried orange rind and a pile of cracker crumbs.

Ugh. Don't put your carrots in the play dough. Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have let her take the play dough out while lunch was still on the table.

It's play time, then bed time, then clean up time, Danny says as he ticks off each event on his fingers.
So it's clean up time after going to bed?
Yes, that's a good idea. 
How convenient for you, dear.

Fi disastered it, Danny says. Yep, that's what our girl does around here. (I don't even remember what she "disastered.")

What are we doing tonight? Jim asks.
Giving the kids Benadryl and putting them to bed, I reply. What? They're all full of snot (among other things).

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the colors.

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